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Welcome to  [emphasis type=”default”]Inheritance Changers, Inc.,[/emphasis] please take your time to experience and understand who we are and how we may be of service to you.

Ask yourself, if you were able to protect yourself from the pitfalls of life or just had the ability to have changed a few things ten years ago, how would your situation be different? Coaching will allow you to do just that; however, coaching is an ongoing process. No  matter where you are in life, you will be able to benefit from quality coaching and learning from other’s expertise.
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[section full=”no”] [row] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”ICU University” icon=”fa fa-building-o” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInDown” anim_delay=”200″] Inheritance Changers University core functions are training solutions, leadership development and conferences.

[button size=”lg” block=”” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”yes” animated=”no” anim_type=”” xclass=””]Learn More[fa type=”fa fa-chevron-right”][/button] [/service] [/column] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”Life Coaching” icon=”fa fa-phone” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInDown” anim_delay=”400″]Life Coaching is all about helping people get from where they are in their life to where they are going in life.

[button size=”lg” block=”” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”yes” animated=”no” anim_type=”” xclass=””]Learn More[fa type=”fa fa-chevron-right”][/button] [/service] [/column] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”Seminars & Workshops” icon=”fa fa-calendar” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInDown” anim_delay=”600″]Here at Inheritance Changers, Inc. we have a many different seminars and workshops that can be tailor for your organization.

[button size=”lg” block=”” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”yes” animated=”no” anim_type=”” xclass=””]Learn More[fa type=”fa fa-chevron-right”][/button] [/service] [/column] [/row] [hr type=”without-line” height=”10″][/hr] [row] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”Saving 1 Million Marriages” icon=”fa fa-heart” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInUp” anim_delay=”200″]Saving one million marriages is our flagship attempt to help marriages across the country of all stages and our all ages.

[button size=”lg” block=”” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”yes” animated=”no” anim_type=”” xclass=””]Learn More[fa type=”fa fa-chevron-right”][/button] [/service] [/column] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”ICU Speaker’s Bureau” icon=”fa fa-group” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInUp” anim_delay=”400″]No Matter if it is a Black Tie, Inheritance Changers’ Speakers are committed to placing the right Orator with you.

[button size=”lg” block=”” link=”” target=”_self” icon=”yes” animated=”no” anim_type=”” xclass=””]Learn More[fa type=”fa fa-chevron-right”][/button] [/service] [/column] [column type=”sm” size=”4″] [service title=”Special Events” icon=”fa fa-calendar” animated=”yes” anim_type=”fadeInUp” anim_delay=”600″]We are constantly working on getting you information in a way that will inspire and enlighten you.

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[section full=”no” style=”default” backgroundcolor=”#fafafa” bordercolor=”#eeeeee”] [row] [column type=”md” size=”6″] No More Free MILK : Become The Woman You-Desire to Be

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